Name Vision
Name Vision is a mathematical model of neurons in the human nervous system.
of a mathematical model of neurons in the human brain’s nervous system.
It is a combination of a mathematical model of the neurons in the human brain.
by collecting/comparing features based on the position and
distance information of parts (eyes, nose, mouth).
Facial recognition is
only a smartphone camera away.
It is the first application
in Japan that anyone can easily
use This is the first application
in Japan that allows anyone
to easily use facial recognition
with just a smartphone camera.
(*At the time of release in 2018)
Features of Name Vision

Feature 1: Who are you!
Name Vision is a “face dictionary” that allows you to look up people in your field of interest by their faces. Not only as a tool while studying, you can also look up people you are interested in at museums, libraries, etc., by their faces.
More than 300 “faces” in various genres that have carved their names in history are registered. You can also add new “faces” that are not registered.

Feature 2 Deeper Knowledge
Linked to Wikipedia information. You can find out information about the person whose face you have identified. You can add more information, so you can add the information you want to keep by yourself, or share the information added by others with everyone, so you can dig deeper into your knowledge and get more information about a person.

Main genres registered
More than 300 “faces” in various genres from politicians to athletes are registered.

Warlords and Warring States Daimyo





It can be used in various ways depending on your ideas!
Name Vision not only allows you to find celebrity “faces” but also to add your own “face” to the database. You can also make yourself known by entering your profile and other information. The usage is up to your idea!

Face learning and person identification
The Name Vison application uses a “deep neural network” combined with a mathematical model of neurons in the human cranial nervous system to learn faces and identify people. It performs facial recognition by collecting/comparing features based on the position and distance information of parts (eyes, nose, mouth).

Advanced Name Vision Pro is now available.

NameVisionPro is a scouter type that automatically tracks “faces” as soon as the application is launched. It quickly catches the face and starts face recognition.
Name Vision Pro recognizes up to three faces at the same time, so there is no need to specify each face individually.
Name Vision vs Name Vision Pro
App Terms of Use
App Terms of Use
sVision Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) establishes the following terms of use regarding the use of the smartphone application (hereinafter referred to as “this application”) provided by our company (hereinafter referred to as “this agreement”). If there is any inconsistency between the English version and the Japanese version of the terms of use, the Japanese version of the terms of use shall prevail.
Article 1 Agreement to Terms
The user of this application (hereinafter referred to as “user”) shall use this application after agreeing to this agreement in advance.
Article 2 Usage Environment/Operating Environment
- Software, mobile terminals, communication devices, communication lines and other environments necessary for using this application (including downloading this application) shall be prepared at the user’s responsibility and expense.
- Communication charges incurred by using this application (including downloading this application) shall be borne by the user.
- Activation of this application may be restricted in any of the following cases.
- (1) If the User does not permit the use of some functions of the device that are required by part of the App.
- (2) When the User uses the App in a location where the User cannot connect to the Internet.
Article 3 Intellectual Property Rights
- All copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, design rights, know-how, and any other intellectual property rights related to this application belong to our company or a third party with legitimate authority, and the use of this application does not grant any rights to the user with respect to such intellectual property rights, and does not transfer or otherwise transfer such intellectual property rights.
Article 4 Discontinuance, change, etc. of provision of this application
- Our company may change all or part of the contents of this application at any time, or make additional improvements without obtaining the user’s prior consent.
- Our company may terminate the provision or update of this application without prior notice, and the user shall not have the right to raise any objection to this.
Article 5 Disclaimer, etc.
- The Company does not provide any guarantees to the User regarding the operation of the App, the suitability for the purpose of use, or the accuracy and reliability of the results of use.
- The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the User arising from or in connection with the User’s use of the Application, or in connection with the User’s inability to use the Application.
- The Company may, at its own discretion, change or modify the specifications of the App, change the distribution method, etc., or terminate the license. As a result, even if the user suffers damage, we do not take any responsibility.
Article 6 Prohibited Activities
- Users shall not engage in any of the following acts when using this application.
- Acts that violate these Terms
- Acts that violate laws or ordinances
- Acts that hinder the provision of this application
- Criminal acts, acts that lead to or encourage criminal acts, or acts that may lead to such acts
- Acts that damage the credibility of this application, or acts that are likely to do so
- Commercial activities using this application, or preparatory activities
- Acts that infringe or threaten to infringe the rights and interests of the Company or a third party
- The act of duplicating part or all of the App, except when installing the App for personal use
- Acts of modifying, altering, or otherwise altering the App, or disassembling, decompiling, reverse engineering, or otherwise analyzing or analyzing the source code, ideas, etc. of the App
- Acts of selling, leasing, assigning, or distributing the App and its contents, as well as the right to use them, to third parties
- Other acts contrary to public order and morals, or acts that the Company deems inappropriate
- If the user commits any of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph and the Company suffers damage, the Company may claim compensation for all or part of the damage from the user.
Article 7 Handling of information related to privacy
- This application may require users to enter personal information such as name, height, weight, gender, date of birth, etc., depending on the functions provided. The personal information you enter will not be used for any purpose other than within this application.
- This application may access contact information, calendar information, fitness information, and other necessary and appropriate information of the device that uses this application depending on the functions provided. The information obtained through this access will not be used for purposes other than displaying or editing within this application.
- In order to respond to inquiries, we may request personal information such as names and email addresses from users. The personal information you provide will not be used for purposes other than responding to inquiries.
- We will not provide third parties with the above personal information entered in this application, information obtained by this application by accessing the terminal, and information notified by the user to respond to inquiries. However, if the Company entrusts all or part of the handling of such personal information, the Company may provide personal information to the entrusted party within the scope of the entrustment.
Article 8 Handling of Feedback
Any feedback, opinions, or requests that you provide to us regarding the Service are completely voluntary, and we are free to use these feedback, opinions, or requests as we deem appropriate without any obligation to you.
Article 9 Changes to Terms of Use
The Company may revise all or part of these Terms at any time without the consent of the user and without notice to the user. In addition, if you use this application after changing this agreement, it is considered that you have agreed to this agreement after the change.
Article 10 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
- The interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
- In the event of any doubt or dispute with the user regarding this application or this agreement, we will discuss it in good faith, but if it is still not resolved, the “Tokyo District Court” or “Tokyo Summary Court” will be the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance.
and more
For Businesses
Face Recognition System for your business! Face Recognition Technology from NameVision can be installed at low cost!